Contact us
If you have any questions about registration, account access, deposits and withdrawals, technical issues, account deletion, self-exclusion or would like to share feedback or explore partnership opportunities, our customer support team is available 24/7.
How to reach us
We have created various ways for you to contact us. Each method has its own benefits; you can choose any of them that suits you:
- Live Chat: For the quickest response possible, simply click on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of your screen. Type in your question and one of our support agents will get back to you within minutes. This is perfect for urgent inquiries or when you need immediate help.
- Contact Form: Go to our dedicated contact form page for a more detailed approach. Here you can enter your name (optional), email address and message. This method is suitable if you need to provide additional information or ask a few questions. You may take as long as necessary to compose a message and will receive an exhaustive reply from our support team.
- Email: For non-urgent queries or if you prefer a more traditional approach, send your request to [email protected]. Although this way might be slightly slower, it is great for in-depth discussions or when there is a need to attach documents.
You can reach us via our toll-free number if you have suggestions on how we can improve our service or complaints against it. Your contribution will enable us make Casushi better for all players.